Dover/Rochester Region

Introducing Welcome Committee members Kimberly Duval, Rebecca Lilja, and Marie Slozak!


Rebecca L.

How many years have you been running?
Kim: 7

Rebecca: 11 years – includes several breaks due to injury and babies!

Marie: 10

What made you start running?
Kim: A friend wanted me to run a 5k with her.

Rebecca: At 28, I realized that if I was going to fight my genetics and loose 20 lbs that I needed to do something  drastic! I ran my first mile on my 29th birthday, joined a beginner group at Runner’s Alley, and 7 months later I ran my first half marathon! Running was the first exercise that “stuck”!  I’ve had to restart running several times due to injury and babies, but running gets me back in shape quickly!

Marie S.

Marie: The desire to run a half marathon.

What keeps you motivated to continue running?
Kim: I love a challenge, and I love meeting new runners.

Rebecca: Running friends!  Plus, running makes me happy.  That runners high is a real thing! 

Marie: I’ve had success in the past and those successes drive me to continue challenging myself. Most importantly running has introduced me to some amazing women and spending time with them is cathartic.

What do you do when you are not running?
Kim: I’m a hairstylist, and I like boating and fishing.

Rebecca: Sleep!  I also love to read, hike, watch movies, take random road trips with my husband and our 2 kiddos, and bargain shop!

Marie: When I’m not running I’m entertaining my two small children, creating meals that no one will eat, reading, working my ass off at Rock Your Body, and loving my bearded gem of a husband.

What was your first race?
Kim: Pursuit of the Holy Grail 5k in Epping, NH.

Rebecca: Red Hook 5k in Portsmouth – 2007

Marie: Windham Rail Trail (I was overdressed and underprepared).

What was your favorite race?
Kim: Cape Cod Marathon.

Rebecca: This is a hard one!  Probably Reach the Beach.  It’s the most fun I’ve ever had running (and not sleeping!)

Marie: The Chief Maloney 10K in 2014; my son was 8 months old and all of my postpartum hard work had paid off.

Most memorable run?
Kim: Maine Coast Marathon. I was my first marathon and my family and friends were there along the way.

Rebecca: I was training for my second half marathon in 2009 and I did my last training run on Columbus Day along the Seacoast Half marathon route (Portsmouth and Rye).  It was perfect weather, perfect route, perfect pace, and nothing hurt!  It was just a perfect run!  

Marie: Participating in a Mother’s Day run as an ACTUAL mother!

Why do you love SRTT-NH?
Kim: I love the support everyone gives. Love meeting new people and getting a chance to run with them.

Rebecca: The ladies in SRTT are so supportive (and a bit enabling!) I joined last summer and immediately made 10 new running friends who live near me!  There is always someone to run with (at any pace!), the Facebook group for questions and someone to say, “yes, you can do it!” when you are doubting your self! 

Marie: I love SRTT-NH for the laughs, the accountability of the photographs, and making connections with women who I may not know under other circumstances.